Permanently affordable, owner-occupied homes

The Oakland Community Land Trust (CLT) preserves homeownership in Oakland.

CLT homes for sale

Please call or email for the latest list of houses or to get on our list of prospective buyers. Grants and Special Financing available for all income qualifying buyers.

What is a community land trust?

A community land trust separates the ownership of the land from the home in a shared-equity model.



“The Oakland CLT was a great option for us. We didn't want to spend a lot of time fixing a house. Our home was ready to go and a warm place to move into.”

Why a CLT in Oakland?

With both market-rate and affordable homes, the CLT provides a solution to the effects of rental pressure in Oakland.


Contact Elly Fisher, Deputy Director, at 412.621.7863 ext. 221 or for more information or to get involved with the CLT.