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Let's Talk: Zoning Part 2

  • via Zoom and Facebook LIVE (map)

October’s Let’s Talk continued the vital (and timely) discussion on zoning and the recently proposed legislation that could impact not just Oakland but ALL city neighborhoods. 

At the City Council's Standing Committee meeting on October 5, Council voted to amend bill 2021-1906 and send it to the Planning Commission. The commission now has 90 days to review the bill and return it to City Council.

View the meeting recording here and check out the following priceless moments:

  • 1:06:55 - Councilman Bruce Kraus explains he forgot to have the amended bill (which he helped Walnut Capital write) posted to the council website for the public to review before the vote.

  • 1:26:25 - Councilman Ricky Burgess states his intent to vote to pass the bill, regardless of the Planning Commission's findings.

  • 1:37:47 - Hearing Oakland residents' opposition to the plan was a very painful experience for Kraus.

To read more about zoning in Oakland, please visit our blog at
