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Public Hearing on Proposed Re-Zoning in Oakland

When: Tuesday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m.
Where: Live stream via OR
Register to testify at (All those registered will receive Zoom meeting log in information from the City.)

OPDC is against the re-zoning bill recently introduced to City Council by Mayor Peduto. Sending the bill straight to the Planning Commission would short-change the Oakland community and would undercut the Oakland Plan process, disregarding the hundreds of hours that residents and stakeholders and planners have put into the plan so far. It would also force those same residents and stakeholders and planners to take more time to consider a single site in isolation, just to meet a single developer’s self-imposed project schedule.

The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m. All those who wish to testify at this Zoom meeting must register to speak with the City Clerk’s office via the form at or by calling 412.255.2138. You must register to speak by noon on October 5.

Tell Council what you think - contact your City Council member or testify at the hearing on Tuesday, October 5.

Read OPDC’s statement at