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Oakland-Wide Community Meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended the virtual meeting on November 30. Visit our YouTube channel for the meeting recording. Please see Resources (below) for minutes.

OPDC holds monthly public meetings to facilitate community discussion about development, policy, and topics of interest to neighbors.


UPMC Presbyterian Bed Tower - UPMC will present updated plans for its Presbyterian Bed Tower. This meeting serves as an official Development Activities Meeting (DAM) for the project.

3339 Ward Street - Paramount Construction will share plans for a proposed conversion of an office building to a 20-unit apartment building.

How to attend the meeting:


All current projects can be found on our Design Development Review page along with corresponding meeting minutes, presentations, and feedback summaries. OPDC updates this tracker at least every two weeks, but more frequently as necessary.  Click here to access the neighborhood master plan, The Oakland 2025 Master Plan

For questions about upcoming meetings or other development projects, please contact Andrea Boykowycz at 412.621.3821 x217 or