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Let's Talk: Tangled Title

When a parent passes away and does not leave a will (or if they had a will but the heirs do not open an estate), a “tangled title” situation can arise. This is a dilemma where family members have an interest in a home, may even be occupying it, but are not on the deed.

Tangled title causes many types of difficulties: residents are unable to get financial help from public agencies for repairs, deal with a delinquent mortgage, or obtain homeowner’s insurance. That’s where Neighborhood Legal Services (NLS) comes in.

Peter Lewis, NLS

This Let’s Talk featured a presentation and Q&A with Peter Lewis, attorney at NLS, to learn about tangled title and how residents can request assistance from NLS to resolve it.

Check out our interview with Peter for more.


  • Do you need help with tangled title? Apply through the NLS website or call the intake unit at 1.866.761.6572

  • Meeting minutes and slides