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Oakland-Wide Community Meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended the virtual meeting on March 29. Visit our YouTube channel for the meeting recording. Visit the Resources section below for minutes.

OPDC holds monthly public meetings to facilitate community discussion about development, policy, and topics of interest to neighbors.

AGENDA: The Oakland Plan

You are invited to participate in a guided discussion of the draft Oakland Plan, the 10-year road map for Oakland’s future. The comment period for the draft is open until May 1, 2022.

OPDC has prepared preliminary analysis of the plan. We will share our analysis, and discuss it with you – we want to hear your thoughts!

The draft plan is published at Please come prepared to share your ideas and priorities. We are planning a follow-up discussion at the April 26 Oakland-Wide Meeting.

How to attend the meeting:


For questions about upcoming meetings or other development projects, please contact Andrea Boykowycz at 412.621.3821 x217 or