OPDC Announces Sale of Atwood Street Property to the University of Pittsburgh

Sale proceeds establish an endowed fund for programming that supports resident needs and community development priorities. 

Today, Oakland Planning and Development Corporation (OPDC) announced signing a sales agreement with the University of Pittsburgh for its property at 233-237 Atwood Street. The nonprofit also stated that it plans to consolidate all programming at 294 Semple Street. “We are thrilled to be following through on our long-term plan to bring all of OPDC’s operations under one roof,” said Wanda Wilson, the organization’s executive director. “Even more exciting, this milestone involves an extensive package of neighborhood enhancements that we have negotiated with Pitt.” 

As part of the sale negotiations, the University has committed to:

  • Promoting homeownership and creating opportunities for staff and faculty to live in Oakland neighborhoods.

  • Transferring a university-owned house to OPDC for inclusion in the Oakland Community Land Trust, which guarantees the property will remain owner-occupied in perpetuity.
    Dedicating a meeting space within a Pitt-property in central Oakland that community groups can use, free of charge.   

  • Providing retail space in Sennott Square—slated for use by a local entrepreneur—to OPDC rent-free for 10 years.  

The sales agreement also memorializes Pitt’s intention to develop a grocery store and non-student, owner-occupied housing at the University-owned site at 3401 Boulevard of the Allies. 

“Oakland residents have been advocating for many years for a community-serving grocery store,” said OPDC Board President Jake Oresick. “Pitt’s commitment to building the grocery store and supporting homeownership will help to stabilize the neighborhood, and the new endowment ensures OPDC will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”

With the proceeds of the sale, OPDC will establish an endowed fund to support resident needs and community development priorities as identified by the OPDC Board of Directors. These priorities include providing affordable, equitable, inclusive homeownership opportunities and strengthening local community organizing capacity.