Mayor Gainey recommends important changes to Oakland Public Realm Subdistrict E (OPR-E)

This just in: the Planning Commission will review proposed OPR-E zoning legislation tomorrow as planned – but with substantial and transformative changes.

Mayor Gainey and his staff heard loud and clear from the Oakland community that the OPR-E zoning included harmful uses and inappropriate building heights, that it ignored neighborhood priorities such as affordable housing and the preservation of green space, and that it would create a hostile environment for Central Oakland homeowners in adjoining districts.

The mayor will therefore be requesting that the Planning Commission amend the legislation to omit McKee and Louisa, omit Zulema Park, create a subdistrict for Halket, add affordable housing to the bonus point system, eliminate inappropriate uses, and restore residential compatibility standards. Mayor Gainey and his staff worked hard to negotiate this compromise, which addresses many of the neighborhood’s concerns. 

OPDC encourages Oakland residents and allies to attend and testify at the Planning Commission hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, March 8 at 2:30 p.m. We are reviewing the amended legislation, which was just published this afternoon. (We are concerned that Oakland neighbors will not have had sufficient time to study the changes – and we intend to deliver those concerns to the Planning Commission tomorrow.)

OPDC and Oakland residents have worked hard over the past six months to make community concerns and priorities clear. Our task is far from over: the city will soon be moving ahead to recommend all of Oakland be covered by the Inclusionary Zoning Overlay District. Your support for IZ is crucial, and we hope you will join us in the fight for affordability and equitable housing opportunities in Oakland.

We also invite your input for the draft Oakland Plan, which will be released this week for public review and comment. Stay tuned!

PLEASE NOTE - The Planning Commission issued another continuance on the vote at their March 8 meeting. The proposal will return to the March 22 hearing.