From childhood home to community asset, the unique story of one Oakland CLT house and an OPDC partner

From childhood home to community asset, the unique story of one Oakland CLT house and an OPDC partner

Sheila Carney, a Sister of Mercy at Carlow University, was pleasantly surprised to see the familiar yellow brick exterior of her childhood home in OPDC’s 2017-18 Annual Report.  Sister Sheila came across the Community Land Trust (CLT) section of our report and immediately recognized 3159 Ellers Street – now for sale as part of the Oakland CLT.

Voice your input regarding proposed development at 3342 Fifth Ave

Hear from Walnut Capital on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 6:00 PM at the Oakland Career Center (294 Semple Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213) regarding preliminary plans for a new office building at Fifth Avenue and Halket Street. This is an opportunity to voice your input and ask any questions. 

Contact or (412) 621-7863 ext. 23 for more information. 

Last chance to give in 2018 to help us build our neighborhood together

It’s New Year’s Eve—the last day to have your contribution to OPDC’s general appeal or the School 2 Career appeal count toward your 2018 taxes. To make a gift today—or to make another gift—please visit our donation page.
As always, thank you for your support now and throughout the entire year.
Cheers to 2019!