University of Pittsburgh Alumni Hall ADA ramp

The University of Pittsburgh plans to add an ADA-compliant ramp to the Lytton Avenue side of the Alumni Hall. Other improvements include new stars, support walls, and handrails. Construction is estimated to take 16 weeks.

Pitt presented this project at the April 27, 2021 Oakland-Wide meeting. After a June 2 briefing at the Historic Review Commission (HRC), the project returned to the HHRC for a hearing on July 7, 2021.


University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning railings

Project summary: The University of Pittsburgh plans to replace and add railings to 11 locations around the Cathedral of Learning. The wrought iron railings are designed to match existing historical details and meet ADA design standards.

The University of Pittsburgh will present at the virtual Oakland-Wide meeting on July 28, 2020.

Project resources: