Building our neighborhood together...

OPDC is sharing the story of one of the many grateful community members we’ve served in 2018. We hope this story will inspire your continued support for OPDC’s vital work fostering access for all neighbors to the rich opportunities that abound in Oakland.

Markia Ferguson and her children recently moved into Allequippa Place, which is part of our Oakland Affordable Living (OAL) program. Markia has worked at a hospital in Oakland for three years, and she used to catch two buses from her home on the North Side every day to commute to and from work. When the owner of the home where Markia lived decided to sell the property, Markia was forced to find a new home for herself and her three children, ages 7, 11, and 16. One of Markia’s co-workers, who lives in Oakland, told her about OPDC’s Allequippa Place apartments. Markia remembers that she called OPDC about the apartments, and everything just fell into place:

“Allequippa Place is just a 20-minute walk from my job, and my children go to a Pittsburgh Public magnet school, so their transportation is easy, too. The rent is so affordable, and while I was initially worried about getting around Oakland, I found once we moved here that everything is really convenient. "This move has made a huge difference in our lives — I have more time with my children and so many opportunities here,” says Markia.

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“My boys are in school with the neighbor’s kids, and last weekend, they had a sleep-over next door. I hope that by next summer, we’ll have a close-knit community here,” beams Markia. “My 16-year-old daughter is interested in attending the School of Nursing at University of Pittsburgh when she graduates, so it’s perfect for us to live so close that she can visit the campus and imagine herself in college.”

Your gift to OPDC today will have immediate and lasting impacts on our community and the many neighbors who call Oakland their home. Providing affordable living in Oakland is just one of the many ways OPDC ensures a thriving, healthy neighborhood with connected neighbors. OPDC’s work is only possible with the support of friends and neighbors who value collaboration and a spirit of giving to build the future together.