Oakland Green Team update

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When OPDC facilitated the Oakland 2025 community planning process in 2011, community members spoke loud and clear about prioritizing neighborhood greening and sustainability. Toward that end, we created the structure for the Oakland Green Team, and have provided staff capacity for the team ever since. Now, in response to team member feedback, we’re reorganizing to make community engagement easier and more effective.

To better draw on the expertise and interests team members bring to the table, we’ll have two separate groups. Team members can focus on the issues that excite them, and not spend time on those that don't.

With OPDC's staff support, the Coalition of Oakland Residents will steward Oakland's trees, public spaces, and community gardens. If you’re interested in tree tending, plantings, or gardening, this is the group for you.

OPDC will provide information about transportation planning through an email distribution list and convene public meetings as needed. Oakland’s bicycle and pedestrian committee will still exist in this manner.

Please contact Andrea Boykowycz at 412.621.7863 ext. 17 or aboykowycz@opdc.org if you would like to be added to either group’s distribution list.

OPDC remains committed to building a healthy, vibrant and sustainable Oakland. Thank you to the Green Team members past and present-- gardeners, transportation planners, tree tenders, bicycle advocates, and artists—who have helped us work towards that vision. We are excited for the opportunities that this evolution will bring.

Please remove the Green Team meeting, previously scheduled for the second Thursday of every month, from your calendars. Stay tuned to our website and social media for future updates.