Winter Break Safety Tips

Congrats on finishing out the semester! Before traveling home for winter break, follow these simple and effective steps to keep your neighborhood clean and protect your home from theft. 

  1. Properly store your trash and recycling bins with lids securely attached to prevent raccoons and other pests from infesting and scattering your garbage. 
  2. Burglars know to target student housing during holiday breaks. Leave a couple of lights and a television or radio on to give the appearance that someone is home. 
  3. Make sure to lock all your doors and windows. Though this sounds obvious, our neighborhood police officers report that unlocked windows and doors are the most common point of entry for most burglaries that occur in Oakland.
  4. Be aware of scammers. On Tuesday, December 12, Zone 4 police offers were dispatched to an Oakland residence for a report of a home invasion in process. A male individual identified himself as a representative of an electric company and attempted to force his way into the residence. Duquesne Light explains that home visits are rare and when they do occur, they are scheduled in advance. If you suspect a scammer, call your electric company and 911. 
  5.  Ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your residence while you are away. Building this kind of relationship with nearby neighbors can go a long way in keeping your whole block connected and safe.