South Oakland residents: Have you tested your water for lead?

Some South Oakland water tests show elevated lead levels. 

OPDC invites you to hear from the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) about lead contamination sources and what precautions can be taken to remedy them. Join us Tuesday, January 9th, to learn more about organizing a neighborhood-wide lead level survey. 

For more information, contact Andrea Boykowycz: or 412.621.7863 ext. 17

Print a flyer here


Your gift to School 2 Career helps students like Sean and Cheyenne

Your gift to School 2 Career helps students like Sean and Cheyenne

What an exciting time of year at OPDC's School 2 Career program!

Fall report cards show the amazing progress students have made since we kicked off the school year. Our seniors are beginning to receive acceptance letters from colleges. Last night, all of our kids gathered in our Oakland teen center—for many, a home away from home—for the annual S2C holiday party, where we celebrated these accomplishments and gave thanks for the community members like you who support S2C. I am honored to work with these inspiring young people each day, and I hope you’ll join me in making a year-end donation to help them achieve their dreams for the future.

Letter to Oakland property owners from City Council President Kraus regarding Oakland Gateway Ventures project

Please click here to see a letter from Pittsburgh City Council President Bruce Kraus. The letter clarifies the City of Pittsburgh’s position on the Oakland Gateway Ventures project and their alleged threats of using imminent domain to acquire property along the Bates Street corridor.