The Presbyterian SeniorCare Network plans to build “Oakland Pride”, a multi-use residential community housing for LGBTQ+ seniors at 3129 - 3133 Forbes Avenue/118 Craft Avenue. The proposed five to six-story building is 66’10” high and consists of (80) one- and two-bedroom units, 60 of which would be for lower-income residents.
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November 11, 2022: Presbyterian SeniorCare Network will receive more than $4 million in state tax credits to build an LGBTQ-friendly senior housing community in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh.
This project returned for a Development Activities Meeting on April 4. The project goes before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Thursday, June 2, 2022, at 9:50 a.m.
Presbyterian SeniorCare presented at the August 18, 2021 Let’s Talk…Finding Your Place in Oakland/Oakwatch meeting. PresbyterianSeniorCare prepared an application to PHFA this fall and is making a 40-year commitment to keeping the units affordable and a low-income housing tax credit property.
Oakland Pride flyer (6/16/23)
To join the Oakland Pride interest list, email the following information to (must be 62 or older; 2023 Maximum Gross income $42,183):
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April 4, 2022 presentation and recording