Croatian Fraternal Union - 3441 Forbes Ave

Developer: University of Pittsburgh

Project summary: Preservation Pittsburgh and the Croatian Fraternal Union nominated the property for historic designation. The nomination was accepted by the Historic Review Commission.

Preservation Pittsburgh added the Croatian Fraternal Union building to its “2020 At Risk” list of endangered historic places.

The University of Pittsburgh presented an historic preservation and early re-development plan for the building at the May 25, 2021 Oakland-Wide meeting. The University presented the plan at a required Development Activities Meeting (DAM) hosted by OPDC, the Oakland Business Improvement District, and the City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning on June 21, 2021. This project had a briefing at the Planning Commission meeting on July 27, 2021. Though pieces of the property have been carefully denoted as historic, the rest of the building is set for demolition.

The University of Pittsburgh returned to the Planning Commission on September 14, 2021 for a hearing regarding the building’s demolition. While finalized plans for the site have yet to be determined, the commission approved the building’s demolition without dissent.

Project resources:

Parcel 3 - Technology Drive


Elmhurst Group

Project summary

In November 2017, Elhurst Group began drafting a proposal to the URA for a tech research/light manufacturing development. In Spring of 2018, they entered into an exclusive negotiation for the site. They reached out to the community to collect feedback. In Fall 2018, the developers submitted finalized plans to the URA and the Department of City Planning.

A few minor architectural updates have since been made to the proposal. Elmurst Group presented at Planning Commission for approval on May 7, 2019. The two-building, 156,000 square foot project will contain tech-flex commercial space. See below for the winter 2018 presentation on building materials and space composition.

The URA voted at its December 2020 board meeting to approve the plan and financing. Elmhurst expects construction on the “Elmhurst Innovation Center” to start in March 2021. Depending on the weather and other factors, they expect a 12-month duration on the project.

This project is under construction.

Project resources

University of Pittsburgh Alumni Hall ADA ramp

The University of Pittsburgh plans to add an ADA-compliant ramp to the Lytton Avenue side of the Alumni Hall. Other improvements include new stars, support walls, and handrails. Construction is estimated to take 16 weeks.

Pitt presented this project at the April 27, 2021 Oakland-Wide meeting. After a June 2 briefing at the Historic Review Commission (HRC), the project returned to the HHRC for a hearing on July 7, 2021.


Duquesne Light Riazzi substation

Developer: Duquesne Light Company (DLC)

Project summary: DLC purchased a lot previously utilized for parking to construct a new substation—located at Joncaire and Boundary (Parcel ID: 0053-A-00010-0000-00). The lot is zoned by the City as Park. The Pennsylvania Utility Commission has approved the proposed size of the transformers to be installed; public input sessions will be scheduled to allow review of construction plans.

DLC presented initial building design plans to the community at three separate meetings in late October/early November. OPDC hosted the community meeting on November 7, 2019 (see minutes below).

On November 15, DLC informed OPDC that they are preparing information to address questions and concerns raised at previous community meetings.

DLC will feature project updates and related issues relevant to neighbors and commuters traveling through the Hollow, including work schedules, road advisories, etc here:

Initial grading work (asphalt removal and site grading; no street work) began on the project site on December 9.

Councilman Bruce Kraus and Duquesne Light Co. hosted a Community Open House on January 6th to continue the dialogue with the Oakland community and to review potential site plans for the project.

Review the design concepts linked below and share your input through the feedback survey.

OPDC joined a group of Oakland residents at a meeting with State Representative Dan Frankel and his staff on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. The conversation focused on a number of outstanding concerns about requested environmental studies and project updates from DLC. We had hoped that there was state oversight of this process, but that appears not to be the case.  Even so, we appreciate Rep. Frankel's efforts to assist to gather information and bring together parties to address concerns.

OPDC spoke with Darryl Lawrence, an attorney and Senior Assistant Consumer Advocate for the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate, on March 31. Through his past experiences and research on this project, Mr. Lawrence conveyed that the Riazzi substation is a “step-down” transformer that will operate at less than 100kV, which does not require PUC authority in Pennsylvania when the utility company owns the land.

DLC did receive permission from PJM  (The PA, Jersey, Maryland Power Pool - a regional transmission organization). Permission from PJM is required any time a utility wants to connect to a high voltage grid, such as in this case.

On the topic of environmental concerns and studies expressed by Oakland residents, Lawrence was “fairly certain” that DLC got a permit from the Department of Environmental Protection.

OPDC shared notes on the call with Frankel’s office; they have contacted the DEP for follow-up details on oversight and permits.

Frankel’s office spoke to DEP in late May. DEP confirmed with the Bureau of Radiation Protection that electromagnetic radiation is not regulated as it is a non-ionizing form of radiation. (Please see this document and study for more information. Document and link provided by DEP.)

The Allegheny County Conservation District issued a permit in December 2019 to DLC for earthmoving (which requires stormwater runoff controls during the earthwork) and to maintain runoff from the substation once it's built - this is within state and local guidelines.

July 1, 2020 UPDATES:
via DLC:

There will be a lane closure and traffic restrictions in the area beginning on July 13 and lasting for approximately 8 weeks. The southwest-bound lane of Boundary Street will be closed during working hours to those driving towards Joncaire Street.

At the start of every work shift, a work zone and traffic controls will be set up in accordance with city permits. As the day progresses, the work zone may shift, so please be aware of changes throughout the day.  At the end of each workday, we will reopen the closed lane until the following workday.

Via City of Pittsburgh’s Law Department:

In response to a community request to Pittsburgh’s City Council, the law department provided the following analysis:

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has found that the Public Utility Commission and Public Utility Code preempt municipal regulation of utility infrastructure such as substations. If you’re interested in learning more, preemption of public utility regulation is clarified in  PL Elec. Utilities Corp. v. City of Lancaster, 214 A.3d 639 (Pa. 2019) and Duquesne Light Co. v. Upper St. Clair Twp., 377 Pa. 323, 334, 105 A.2d 287, 292 (1954). Municipalities retain the right to regulate to non-infrastructure buildings (ie offices) of utility companies and have some authority to require construction permits for certain types of work, however, their discretion is limited and any disputes which may arise are resolved by the PUC. 

January 1, 2021 UPDATE:
via DLC:

As the Riazzi Substation project enters its final phase of construction, for the safety of the general public, Boundary Street (also known as S. Neville St.) will be closed north of Joncaire St. to Filmore St. to all thru traffic beginning on Jan. 11 through March 31 as crews perform underground work associated with the project as quickly and safely as possible.

The subsurface obstructions we discovered in the roadway – despite our best efforts to perform due diligence – have required us to redesign the underground portion of the substation project. We used four methods of underground investigation to give us confidence in our original design. Unfortunately, the subsurface reality we discovered will require us to do much more extensive excavation. In order to avoid conflicts with the other underground utility lines, our contractors will need to trench the street to a width that is wider than normal during the installation of our facilities.

In evaluating the safety of the worksite versus the inconvenience of extended closure, we have consciously prioritized safety while being mindful to minimize the duration of the traffic restriction. We realize this will result in restricted options for residents to get to and from their homes along Boundary St. and we have worked with our contractors to streamline the logistics so as to complete the work as quickly and safely as possible. The final traffic restriction plan which has been approved by DOMI will involve the full two-lane closure of Boundary with traffic routed along Joncaire St. during that time.

January 22, 2021 UPDATE

Duquesne Light announced on January 4 that they would close S. Neville/Boundary Street between Filmore and Joncaire in both directions on January 11, 2021, for a period of 11 weeks.

We’ve since been informed that in response to neighborhood concerns about the disruption this closure will cause, excavation has been postponed until later in the project schedule. No firm date for the closure is currently available. OPDC will post additional information as we receive it at

When the closure takes effect, signs will be posted at the intersections of Fifth and S. Neville and Bouquet and Joncaire to alert drivers and indicate the detour route. During the closure, pedestrian and bicycle trips originating in Panther Hollow and Schenley Park will direct people to use the Joncaire sidewalk and steps. Joncaire Street and the Pitt parking lot at Joncaire/Boundary will remain open.

March 2021 UPDATE

The planned closure of S. Neville/Boundary Street is indefinitely postponed. We have no other updates at this time.

June 28, 2021 UPDATE via DLC:

Boundary Street will be closed between Joncaire and Filmore streets beginning June 30. This was not a planned closure, but was deemed necessary out of an abundance of caution and to maintain safe conditions for the public and work crews.

The closure will last approximately 30 days and will only occur on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The project is expected to finish by August 31, 2021.

For more information about the Riazzi Substation project, please visit where you can find answers to frequently asked questions and updates on the project. If you have any questions about the Riazzi Substation project, please reach out by emailing

Project resources:

4338 Bigelow Boulevard - Latin American Studies Association

The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) has acquired the building at 4338 Bigelow Boulevard to serve as its future headquarters and a Latin American Cultural Center. LASA presented this project at the January Oakland-Wide meeting on January 26, 2021. The center is set to open to the public in fall 2021.

Project resources:

0 Boundary Street/525 Yarrow Way

Developer: Thomas Liang

Project Summary: Owner of the vacant lot bordering Boundary Street, Yarrow Way, and Isis Way is proposing a town home development of five or six units - see below for the site plan options. The developer presented these proposals at the Oakland-Wide Community Meeting on May 29, 2019.

In 2017, the owner proposed to build around eight units on the lot, which was met with community opposition because it did not comply with zoning. OPDC encouraged the owner to postpone their ZBA hearing at the time. Oakwatch and nearby residents have been vigilant about code enforcement concerns related to overgrowth and a failing retaining wall. These concerns have been before various court hearings.

The owner returned to the November 26, 2019 Oakland-Wide Community Meeting with an updated proposal to build six new homes on the vacant lot. The first sales would be restricted to owner-occupants.

The proposal was scheduled for the ZBA virtual meeting on November 5, 2020. The ZBA issued a continuance. The November 5 meeting was not held in order to schedule a public meeting. The design team presented the project at the February 23, 2021 Oakland-Wide meeting.

This project went to the ZBA on April 8. The ZBA released its decision on May 26, 2021, denying the request for variances without prejudice to resubmit a revised proposal for the site.

Project resources:

UPMC - 3412 - 14 and 3416 5th Avenue

UPMC plans to restore exterior walls, replace the roofs, and add an elevator machine room to the Children’s Hospital office building/Oakland medical building at 3412 - 14 and 3416 Fifth Avenue.

They presented the renovation at the February 23, 2021 Oakland-Wide meeting as a required Development Activities Meeting (DAM), to the Planning Commission for a briefing on May 4, and at a Planning Commission hearing on May 18, 2021.

Project resources

Pittsburgh Athletic Association - 4215 Fifth Avenue

Developer: Walnut Capital

Project Summary: Developer is rehabbing the former PAA and incorporating office spaces, a fitness center, restaurants, and a social club. After COVID-19 related delays, construction resumed in Summer 2020. Walnut Capital completed construction on the project in April 2021.

CMU Melwood Parking Lot


Carnegie Mellon University is proposing to slightly expand, pave, and install storm water management infrastructure to the dirt parking lot on Melwood across from the former Pittsburgh Filmmaker’s building. CMU bought the building and the lot last year and are still making plans for their use. In the meantime, the paving of the lot will require a Zoning Board action, as well as Planning Commission due to the lot’s location in the Baum Centre Overlay District. CMU presented at the Oakland-wide meeting on January 28, 2020, proposing that paving will take place in June/July 2020.

The project was put on hold during the pandemic lockdown and is tentatively deferred to summer 2022. CMU plans to restart permitting and outreach in fall 2021.

Project resources:

411 South Craig Street

Developer: Building owner and ZILKA and Associates

Project summary: The building owner seeks to request occupancy change for the first floor from retail to restaurant. They also propose to extend the facade of the second floor to match the current free standing facade. The project was presented at the Oakland-Wide Community Meeting on January 28, 2020.

April 2021 update: The project is still active, but work has been delayed due to COVID restrictions and permit delays.

Project resources:

Scaife Hall Addition - 3550 Terrace Street

Developer: University of Pittsburgh

Project Summary: Pitt proposed to tear down the auditorium portion of the structure that sits at Lothrop and Terrace and rebuild a 110,000 gsf addition. The proposal also included renovation of the existing structure to add more academic and lab space. Pitt solicited community feedback on this project in conjunction with their meeting on the IMP in February 2019. The project was presented again at an Oakland-Wide Community Meeting in May 2019. They presented the proposal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in July 2019 and the Art Commission in October 2019. Pitt received the necessary approvals to move forward with construction. Construction is currently underway.

After early pandemic-required shutdowns on construction projects, contractors resumed work. As of spring 2021, framing is about 1/3 complete, and the entire addition is scheduled to end in August 2022.

Project resources:

2846 Boulevard of the Allies

Project summary: The owner will be renovating 2846 Boulevard of the Allies into flex office spaces. The renovation will include contemporary improvements to the facade. There is sufficient parking existing on the property. The building is by right and has an existing occupancy permit.

The start of the pandemic in 2020 delayed the permit process and halted work. The team resumed work in the first quarter of 2021 and estimate that an additional year of work is needed before work is completed.

Supporting documents:

Pittsburgh Technology Center Parking Garage

Project summary: Indovina Associates Architects is working with the URA to design a new structured 7-story parking garage (Parking Garage No. 3) at the Pittsburgh Technology Center on Second Avenue. DOMI is reviewing a recently completed traffic study.

Indovina presented at the virtual Oakland-Wide meeting on July 28, 2020. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the project at its March 23, 2021 meeting.

Project resources:

3500 Forbes Avenue (former Marathon gas station)


Clark Street Holdings/CA Ventures, a nation-wide multi-family developer with particular expertise in off-campus student housing,  hopes to develop a mixed-use project on the site of the former Marathon Oil gas station at 3500 Forbes Avenue.

The development site is approximately 1.2 acres in size and is bounded by Semple St. Forbes Avenue and McKee Place.  The proposed building will be designed and constructed to meet LEED certification requirements and will be 102 feet tall, as permitted by the Zoning Code using the Code’s sustainable development bonus. Stormwater controls will include, among other things, a green roof design that will capture and use a significant amount of stormwater that would otherwise leave the site. 

The project will be marketed to young professionals, medical workers, students, and others looking for modern, well-appointed apartments in Central Oakland.  The building will provide office, retail, and amenity space along Forbes Avenue. The building will be designed and constructed with an integral parking garage for tenants and visitors.  There will be approximately 300 residential units on the site with a mix of studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, and 3 bedroom units.   

Residential units with ground-floor entrances are planned along McKee Place. Importantly, the site plan for the building includes a twenty-foot wide publicly accessible pedestrian connection between Semple St. and McKee Place.



CA Ventures made a preliminary presentation at the virtual Oakland-Wide meeting on August 25, 2020. A subdivision of the site went to the City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission on November 24, 2020.

CA Ventures presented updates at the December 15, 2020 Oakland-Wide meeting and the January 26, 2021 City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission meeting. CA Ventures re-scheduled the project’s February 9 return to the Planning Commission for February 23, 2021. The commission issued a continuance for the project.

CA Ventures returned to the Planning Commission on March 23, 2021. The commission resumed the hearing for the proposed apartment building, which they continued earlier; testimony was closed and they did not hear a full presentation of the plans as this was done previously and was also provided to the commission in advance for their review.

The developer presented one image of a change to the rear of the property to address community concerns and concerns from the adjacent property owner, Family House. The revised design steps back the portion of the building at the rear of the property, reducing the height by two stories for part of the building at the Semple side. Representatives from CA Ventures and Family House stated that the two organizations reached an agreement on the project; the Planning Commission approved the project.

The site is currently under construction.


255 Atwood Street

This project consists of a proposed small building addition to the rear of the existing two-story multi-unit residential building along with a first floor rear deck located at 255 Atwood St. 

The existing building consists of four residential units, two units per floor (front and back units, both floors). The new addition will increase the square footage of the back two Units by roughly 180 net sf per unit as well as provide a second means of egress for the upper floor units.

Project architect Lab8 designs presented at the December 15, 2020 Oakland-Wide meeting. The project went before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on January 7, 2021 The Planning Commission approved the project at its February 23, 2021 meeting.

Project resources:

204 Tennyson Avenue

Mr. Wang, the homeowner of 204 Tennyson has plans for an exterior renovation that goes to the HRC. Previous owners used the small, detached building in the backyard as a garage. This project will be part of the November Oakland-Wide meeting on November 24, 2020.

Renovations at 204 Tennyson began before the November meeting; Mr. Wang was unaware of the Historic Review Commission’s regulations. The project goes before the HRC at its February 3, 2021 meeting. OPDC sent a letter to the HRC ahead of the meeting, acknowledging that Mr. Wang presented the project as a required Development Activities Meeting in November.

Project resources:

Family House - 233 McKee Place

Project summary: Family House has entered into the planning and approval process for responsible demolition of its 233 McKee Place property.  The permitting process is anticipated to take 8 - 12 weeks, with demolition anticipated to take place between August and September 2020. 

Family House is working closely with its contractor, PJ Dick, to mitigate noise, traffic, and other potential inconveniences during this process. Prior to demolition, Family House will salvage and re purpose furnishings and other elements from the house which was the site of the first Family House that opened in 1983. 

Currently, Family House does not have definitive plans for its use of the property, though the organization will maintain control of the property and will inform OPDC, OBID and other neighborhood groups of its plans as they emerge.

Family House made a preliminary presentation at the virtual Oakland-Wide meeting on September 29, 2020.

The demolition plan goes before the City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission for briefing on October 27, 2020. Click here for the agenda and the meeting link.

The plan goes for action with the planning commission on the November 10 virtual meeting. More information, including the Zoom link can be found here.

The City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission voted to approve the demolition during the November 10, 2020 meeting. Family House hopes to begin soon on the expected 6-week project.

Project resources:

South Bouquet Street Mural Update

Moving the Lives of Kids Community Mural Project (MLK Mural) proposes an update to the mural located at 312 - 320 South Bouquet Street. They plan to invite residents and college students to help paint while utilizing social distancing.

As part of the "Pittsburgh Solidarity for change" murals, the Bouquet Street mural will have a QR code that incorporates video, imagery, and solutions to problems of police brutality, systemic racism, and gun violence in collaboration with Carlow University, Social Justice Institute, social work students, and criminal justice majors.

Please state your preference for the two new design ideas by Friday, September 18 via the feedback form. We will share all results with MLK Mural. They plan to have a community painting day on Saturday, September 26 from 10 AM - 6 PM (following social distancing guidelines).

MLK Mural and community and university volunteers completed the new mural on September 26.

Option #1

Option #1

Option #2

Option #2

300 South Craig Street

Project summary: Property owner plans to complete interior and exterior renovations of the existing retail space at the corner of Craig Street and Winthrop for a second Oakland location of Fuku Tea (the first location is located at Forbes and Oakland Ave).

A public review of the proposed exterior renovations took place at a Development Activities Meeting on October 24. 2019. The project is scheduled for review at the January 14, 2019 Planning Commission hearing.

The Craig Street location of Fuku Tea opened in August 2020.

Project resources: